We reproduce below article by Shri R.K. Pathak in light of recent judgement by Supreme Court in LIC Resignee case.
It is now known fact that Banks and IBA [ Voluntary Association of Management of Bank] are unjustifiedly denying the legitimate claim of the Bank Resignees despite clear cut judgments in following cases:-
1) D. Malleshwar Rao Vs Andhra Bank
2) S. K Kool Vs Bank of Baroda
3) Smt. Shashikala Devi Vs Central Bank of India
4) Vijaya Bank Vs M Narsimhappa
Banks and IBA are not only denying lawful claims of Resignee [ Left Over Category] but also through battery of lawyers taking advantage of its own wrong and seeking judgments against financially weak litigants by suppressing the facts & also filing special leave petitions and review in the High Courts.
Click here to view/ download Supreme Court Judgement in LIC Resignee Case
1) D. Malleshwar Rao Vs Andhra Bank
2) S. K Kool Vs Bank of Baroda
3) Smt. Shashikala Devi Vs Central Bank of India
4) Vijaya Bank Vs M Narsimhappa
Banks and IBA are not only denying lawful claims of Resignee [ Left Over Category] but also through battery of lawyers taking advantage of its own wrong and seeking judgments against financially weak litigants by suppressing the facts & also filing special leave petitions and review in the High Courts.
Banks and IBA are relying on UCO Bank Vs
Sanwarmal, Canara Bank Vs M R Prabhakar judgments and with forceful argument from battery of
lawyers made successful attempt to sideline the principle laid down in Sheel
Kumar Jain Vs New India assurance Company.
very good example of such attempt is reflected in the recent judgment of Delhi
High Court in the matter of IDBI Bank Vs Roshan Lal Gupta [RSA 189 of 2010]
dated 16/05/2014, wherein honorable Justice by allowing appeal of Bank madeoll
following observations:-
“This judgment in the
case of Anand Parkash Batra (supra) reads as under:-
“1. The issue to be
decided in the present writ petition is the claim of the petitioner to
pensionary benefits in accordance with the 1995 Pension Scheme of the
respondent-bank. Respondent denies entitlement of the petitioner to the 1995 Pension
Scheme on the ground that the scheme will not apply as per para 22 of the 1995
Pension Scheme when a person has resigned from service as distinguished from
having voluntary retired.
2. Before this Court
two judgments of the Supreme Court are cited. First is the judgment of Supreme
Court in the case of Sheel Kumar Jain Vs. New India Assurance Company Limited
& Ors. (2011) 12 SCC 197 on behalf of the petitioner, and the second is the
judgment in the case of M.R.Prabhakar and ors VS. Canara Bank and ors (2012) 9
SCC 671 on behalf of the respondent-bank.
3. The ratio of the
judgment in the case of Sheel Kumar (supra) shows that a Division Bench of two
judges of the Supreme Court held that if an employee is not expected to know
that in spite of serving a qualifying service period which would entitle grant
of pension under a subsequent implemented pension scheme (which operates from a
retrospective date) his resignation will lead to forfeiture of services, then,
once an employee has otherwise completed the requisite period of qualifying
service for grant of pension under the retrospectively operating pension
scheme, the language of a resignation letter should not be treated as one
seeking a resignation by the employee, but that letter should be treated as an
application for voluntary retirement.
4. It is clear that in Sheel Kumar’s case (supra) a
Division Bench of the Supreme Court took an equitable view because a person is
not expected to know the adverse consequences against him unless so provided by
the relevant rules and especially when benefits of pension scheme is given
retrospectively whereby qualifying service completes many years earlier/ prior
to the introduction of the pension scheme (i.e in the retrospective period) and
in which period there would be persons who had ‘resigned’ but who on the date
of resignation had otherwise completed the qualifying service period for grant
of pension.
5. I must concede that my heart really is in
accordance with the ratio in the case of Sheel Kumar’s case (supra). This is all the more so because in the
counter-affidavit filed by the respondent-bank there is no reference to the
earlier service rules of the respondent-bank that in such service rules prior
to application of the 1995 Pension Scheme a distinction was in fact drawn
between resignation and voluntary retirement. However, I am bound by the ratio in the case of
M.R.Prabhakar’s case (supra) which distinguishes the judgment in Sheel
Kumar’s case (supra) on the ground that the judgment in Sheel Kumar’s case (supra)
dealt with the pension schemes of insurance companies and not the pension
schemes of the banks, and that as per para 22 of the 1995 Pension Scheme of the
Banks if a person had resigned there results forfeiture of his services and
such a person is not entitled to benefits of 1995 Pension Scheme.
6(i)I must state that it is a moot point for consideration at
an appropriate time by the Supreme Court that if a scheme operates
retrospectively i.e it commences at a date for its implementation many years
prior to the same being introduced, then surely an adverse consequence of
denial of benefits of such retrospectively operating scheme should not be
denied to an employee whose services come to an end in the retrospective period
unless such employee was made aware of the adverse consequences. In this
regard it bears note that it is held by the Supreme Court in a catena of
judgments that terminal benefits are not a bounty but are natural entitlements
which become due to an employee for the services rendered by the employee with
the employer-organization. Therefore, once the
necessary qualifying service period has been completed by the employee,
terminal benefits should be granted as a matter of course because they flow
from the aspect of rendering continuous service with the bank for the
qualifying period and they be not denied on the technical ground that the
employee had ‘resigned’.
(ii) A most important aspect for giving benefit of pension
scheme is noted and stated by the Supreme Court in the case of UCO Bank Vs.
Sanuwar Mal (2004) 4 SCC 412, as “The pension scheme herein is based on
actuarial calculation; it is a self financing scheme, which does not depend
budgetary support and consequently it constitutes a complete code by itself.
The scheme essentially covers retires as the credit balance to their provident
fund account is larger as compared to employees who resigned from
service.” Thus, clearly there is a valid reason to treat
resignation as retirement qua those employees who have at the time of
resignation rendered the requisite qualifying service for grant of pension and
they ought to be treated differently for being entitled to grant of pension
under the scheme than those persons who on resignation have not completed the
period of qualifying service inasmuch as the employee who renders the
qualifying service has that much credit to his provident fund by which no
budgetary support is required for payment of pension.
In the recent judgment ASGER IBRAHIM AMIN Vs LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION OF INDIA , the issue before the supreme court was “
The second issue which confronts us is whether the
termination of service of the Appellant remains unalterably in the nature of
resignation, with the consequence of disentitling him from availing of or
migrating/mutating the pension scheme or whether it instead be viewed as a
voluntary retirement or whether it requires to be regarded so in order to
bestow this benefit on the Appellant; who had ‘resigned’ after reaching the age
of fifty and after serving the LIC for over twenty three years”.
Further Court observed that:-
“12 What is
unmistakably evident in the case at hand is that the Appellant
worked continuously for over 20 years, that he sought to discontinue his services
and requested waiver of three months notice in writing, and that the said
notice was accepted by the Respondent Corporation and the Appellant was thereby
allowed to discontinue his services. If one would examine Rule 31 of the
Pension Rules juxtaposed with the aforementioned facts, it would at once be obvious
and perceptible that the essential components of that Rule stand substantially
fulfilled in the present case. In Sheelkumar, this
Court was alive to the factum that each case calls for scrutiny on its own
merits, but that such scrutiny should not be detached from the purpose and
objective of the concerned statute.
13 The Appellant ought not to be deprived of pension
benefits merely because he styled his termination of services as “resignation” or because there was no provision to retire voluntarily at
that time. The commendable objective of the Pension
Rule is to extend benefits to a class of people to tide over the crisis and
vicissitudes of old age, and if there are some inconsistencies between the
statutory provisions and the avowed objective of the statute so as to discriminate
between the beneficiaries within the class, the end of justice obligates us to
palliate the differences between the two and reconcile them as far as possible.
We would be failing in our duty, if we go by the letter and not by the
laudatory spirit of statutory provisions and the fundamental rights guaranteed
under Article 14 of the Constitution of India.
14 Reserve Bank of India
v. Cecil Dennis Solomon, (2004) 9 SCC 461 relied upon by the Respondent,
although distinguishable on facts, has ventured to distinguish “voluntary
retirement” from “resignation” in the following terms:
10. In
service jurisprudence, the expressions “superannuation”, “voluntary retirement”,
“compulsory retirement” and “resignation” convey different connotations. Voluntary retirement and resignation involve
voluntary acts on the part of the employee to leave service. Though both
involve voluntary acts, they operate differently. One of the basic distinctions
is that in case of resignation it can be tendered at any time, but in the case
of voluntary retirement, it can only be sought for after rendering prescribed
period of qualifying service. Other fundamental distinction is that in case of
the former, normally retiral benefits are denied but in case of the latter, the
same is not denied. In case of the former, permission or notice is not
mandated, while in case of the latter, permission of
the employer concerned is a requisite condition. Though resignation is a bilateral concept, and becomes
effective on acceptance by the competent authority, yet the general rule can be
displaced by express provisions to the contrary. In Punjab National Bank v.
P.K. Mittal (1989 Supp (2) SCC 175) on interpretation of Regulation 20(2) of
the Punjab National Bank Regulations, it was held that resignation would
automatically take effect from the date specified in the notice as there was no
provision for any acceptance or
of the resignation by the employer. In Union of India v.Gopal Chandra Misra ((1978) 2 SCC 301) it was held
in the case of a judge of the High Court having regard to Article 217 of the Constitution
that he has a unilateral right or privilege to resign his office and his
resignation becomes effective from the date which he, of his own volition,
chooses. But where there is a provision empowering the employer not to accept
the resignation, on certain circumstances e.g. pendency of disciplinary
proceedings, the employer can exercise the power. (emphasis is ours)
The legal position deducible from the above
observations further amplifies that the so-called resignation tendered by the
Appellant was after satisfactorily serving the period of 20 years ordinarily
qualifying or enabling voluntary retirement. Furthermore, while there was no
compulsion to do so, a waiver of the three months notice period was granted by
the Respondent Corporation. The State being a model employer should construe
the provisions of a beneficial legislation in a way that extends the benefit to
its employees, instead of curtailing it.
15 The cases
of Shyam Babu Verma v. Union of India, (1994) 2 SCC 521;
State of M.P. v. Yogendra Shrivastava, (2010) 12 SCC 538; M.R.
Prabhakar v. Canara Bank, (2012) 9 SCC 671; National Insurance Co. Ltd. v.
Kirpal Singh, (2014) 5 SCC 189; UCO Bank v. Sanwar Mal, (2004) 4 SCC 412 relied
upon by the parties are distinguishable
on facts from the present case.
16 We thus hold that the
termination of services of the Appellant, in essence,was voluntary retirement
within the ambit of Rule 31 of the Pension Rules of 1995. The Appellant is
entitled for pension, provided he fulfils the condition of refunding of the
entire amount of the Corporation’s contribution to the Provident Fund along
with interest accrued thereon as provided in the Pension Rules of 1995.
Click here to view/ download Supreme Court Judgement in LIC Resignee Case
The problem with IBA/Bank Management is that they do not act in spite of judgments passed in favour of pensioners. A case in point is that it has been conclusively established that persons with 19 years and 6 months and more are also eligible for 5 years notional service.But no bank has so far proactively given the benfit to the few cases . Who will bell the cat.Retireees Assn is silent for reasons known to them only >
AIBRF had written to IBA and DFS requesting them to implement the above judgement in all cases.Retiree associations are not being heard by IBA and by DFS
ReplyDeleteThanks Mr.Gajanan for the update. Let us hope that the bank managements sympathetically consider AIBRF,s appeal.
Yes this is true. The Banks by giving one or the other reasons are trying to deny the legitimate right of the employees(of Pension) who have served by giving half of life span.
ReplyDeleteAfter going through the judgements of various Courts and reactions by Bank Managements/unions, we can infer that Banks/IBA and unions were not interested in extending pension options to resignees at any cost. Writing in this blog or arguing will not have any effect on them. Only solution is to wait for final verdict by Supreme Court to put to rest all arguments and litigations.
ReplyDeleteI would like to remind all those employees working in those days when the pension regulation was to be introduced and the option was to be given, the employees were misguided by false propaganda by the so called officer's union when Mr K.C.Agrawal was the head, that PF was better option than pension with various charts every alternative days where as his own office bearers had opted for pension. The only person who talked in favour of pension at that time was Mr Nagarajan who tried to convince people to opt for pension (the present GS of AIBOA) In Central Bank so many staffs withdrawn their pension options by seeing these circulars of AIBOC. because the staff blindly believed these leaders. So how can you expect such leaders of AIBOC will take up the issue of pensioners, as such the letter written by Mr Singh (AIBOC) is nothing but an eyewash else by this time they might have opened the case. As such I don.t expect any improvement in pension untill and unless the retired organisation is called for negotiation by IBA. you should not be surprised if these unions instruct the IBA not to call the retired organisation.for talks.Are these leaders not aware of the supreme court decisions or are they so innocent not to understand the judgement and if they wished they could have opened the case sighting the supreme court judgement As such my opinion is not to expect too much from these leaders who are master like our politician with false promises. If anything is to be done then the same should be from retirees organisation Venkat raman
ReplyDeletewhat is expressed by you all is 100% true.Leaders are there not to guide us in right direction but push us to confusion.they beautifully dig the grave we the pensioners fell in it now.
ReplyDeleteEmployees terminated/dismissed also eligible for 2/3 of pension as compassionate Allowance. In most of the cases, I was told by,Circle Offices never recomend such cases and based on that H O also not insist for such payment. But, Pension Regulations provided for such allowances. After a long service for 30/35 years, if anyone is removed from the services, for his acts which, without causing any damage to the Bank image or Customer loss or Bank loss, Pension or atleast compassionate allowance provided by the regulations should be granted. Both workmen and Officers Union/Associations should ensure this. This is a exiting benefit, denied by the Bank and not a new benefit to be fought, but to implement properly.