Friday, March 25, 2016

Letter by Shri R.K. Pathak ( President Resigned Bank Employees Welfare Aassociation) to GS/President ,AIBPARC is reproduced below.

Dear Sir/s,
You are well aware of our [RBEWA] efforts for justice to resignees for second pension option through Judiciary. You have also been giving patience hearing to my presentation in the Meeting dated 14/03/2016 at Hyderabad.
It is reliably understood that " IBA has gathered information regarding the number of Resignees and others , it is about 5000.It is done to assess the cost."
The information is gathered from the Bank of Resignees [ Non Pension Optees] completed 20 years of service and CRS employees.
In view of the Banks loosing cases against Resignees & CRS employees, IBA may soften their stand & issue is expected to be resolved soon but IBA may play game to give Pension prospectively.
In view of the above probability, RBEWA plans to Intensify its effort in SC by tagging the issues of Bank Resignees to Larger Bench & could succeed in the direction on 08/03/2016. [ Copy Attached]
I have already explained about litigation cost in SC and requested you to provide the list of Resignees of your Bank.
Although there are 4000-5000 Resignees , but only 400- 500 Resignees are our members in legal battle & still 90% are either ignorant of our activity or not allowed to join us.
As IBA has gathered information from Banks, it is certainly available at their HO and with your good office & liaison, you can definitely get it for us & WE expect your support in the matter.
Thanks & Regards

Pathak R K

Monday, March 14, 2016

Conveners of CBPRO write to IBA regarding pensioners' issues

We reproduce below letter written to IBA by conveners of CBPRO on 10th March 2016
 Shri M.V. Tanksale,

 Respected sir, 
                                 Sub : Bank Pensioners issues.

                                  We refer to our memorandum dated 10.02.2016 regarding the Bank Pensioners & Retirees issues which we submitted to your Good selves in a delegation of CBPRO at IBA Office in Mumbai.
                               We are extremely thankful to you for the concern you have shown in respect of the long pending grievances of Bank Retirees community. During the course of discussion, we were informed of the exercise undertaken by the Indian Banks’ Association in the collection of the data and information from the Member Banks mainly in respect of the following three issues.

1. Pension Updation,
2. Uniform DA to pre-2002 Retirees.
3. Improvement in Family Pension.

                              We have already explained about the importance of the above issues in our memorandum. The same were also very important to all the Bank Pensioners and Retirees and hence it requires a very urgent and considerate attention from your end.
The IBA must have already collected the required data and information by now. The huge funds which is already available in the Pension Corpus is also another important factor in meeting the aspirations and expectations of the Bank Pensioners and Retirees.
Hence we request your good self to grant the expected relief to the Bank Pensioners and Retirees at the earliest. We expect a favourable and heartening news from the IBA in respect of the above issues and other issues mentioned in our memorandum very soon.

 Thanking you,
 ( A. Ramesh Babu) (K.V.Acharya)
               Joint Convener