One more round of discussion on our wage revision took place today (25-02-2010) between IBA and 5 workmen unions’ viz. AIBEA, NCBE, BEFI, INBEF and NOBW.
Continuing the discussions of last round of meeting held on 9.2.2010, today we argued for one more stagnation increment to be made available for senior clerks and sub– staff and it was decided to workout the cost implication of the same. As regards cost of rationalisation of special pay, after our pointing out the number of clerks and sub-staff involved, the revised working resulted in substantial reduction of cost. This additional available amount can now be distributed to other heads like Basic pay, HRA, Transport Allowance, etc.
On the important issues like costing the existing cost of pension, date of effect of pension option, balancing the cost between PF and Pension, etc. IBA maintained their standpoints and we informed IBA that these common issues will be dealt by UFBU.
For the information of our Units and members, we give below the following tentative proposals on which discussions have taken place so far. These are subject to finalisation in further course of discussions and effort is being taken to reach conclusions on all the issues and to expedite the settlement.
1. Basic Pay:
Sub-staff: Rs. 5500 – 200/4 – 6300 – 250/5, 7550 – 300/4, 8750 – 350/3, 9800- 400/3 – 11000.
Clerk: Rs. 6200 – 400/3, 7400 – 500/3, 8900 – 600/4, 11300 – 700/7, 16200 – 1300/1, 17500 – 800/1 – 18,300
2. Dearness Allowance: 0.15% of pay per slab over 2836 points of index.
3. HRA: CCA is being clubbed with HRA. Proposed HRA rates:
- Places with 45 lacs and above : 9.50%
- 12 – 45 lacs : 8.75%
- 5 – 12 lacs : 7.50%
- Below 5 lacs : 7.00%
4. Transport Allowance: Rs. 200 p.m.
5. Special Pay: To be revised upwards w.e.f. 1.11.07
Rationsalisation: Clerks (a) All those who are not getting any Special Pay to be paid Rs. 1000 p.m. with some mutually agreed limited passing powers.
(b) All those who are getting some Special Pay now, will be revised to Rs. 1500 p.m. with suitable increase in powers.
(c) Head Cashiers & Special Assistants: These posts will continue with higher Special Pay.
Sub-Staff: Special Pay to be revised upwards with minimum Special Pay of Rs. 350 p.m. to all.
6. It is proposed that, after such rationalization exercise, from 1.5.2010, Special Pay of Rs. 1000 for all clerical staff and Rs. 350 for all sub–staff will be added to the Basic Pay and Basic Pay will stand increased accordingly. Balance amount will be continued as Special Pay.
7. Medical Aid: Proposed at Rs. 2000 per year.
8. Hospitalisation: Under Discussions for improvements.
9. LFC: Under discussions for improvements. IBA has agreed that the present condition to avail 4 days leave while encashing LFC, will be deleted.
10. Part Time Employees: Those who are now in lump sum monthly wages will be upgraded to 1/3rd wages.
11. Washing Allowance: Will be increased to Rs. 100 p.m.
12. Cycle Allowance: Will be increased to Rs. 75 p.m.
13. Project Area Compensatory Allowance:
Will be increased as under:
Group A: Clerks: Rs. 205
Sub-staff: Rs. 180
Group B: Clerks: Rs. 180
Sub-staff: Rs. 150
14. Split Duty Allowance: Will be increased to Rs. 125
15. Hill & Fuel Allowance: Same % rate on revised Basic Pay.
16. Halting / Diem Allowance: Being increased.
17. Income Definition for dependency: Rs. 3500 p.m.
18. Definition of family: To include physically challenged brothers and sisters with 40% disability.
19. Road mileage rate: Will be increased to Rs. 3 per km.
20. Breakage Allowance on transportation of personal effects:
Being increased to: (with receipt). Clerks Rs. 1120; sub-staff: Rs. 745 (Without receipt) Clerks: Rs. 745; Sub-staff: Rs. 560.
21. Special Leave for women employees: Within the entitlement of Maternity Leave, Special Leave upto maximum of 45 days will be granted for undergoing Hysterectomy operation.
22. Special Area Allowance: Will be improved.
23. Fixed Personal Pay: Will be increased suitably based on revised Basic Pay.
24. Professional Qualification Pay: Will be suitably increased based on revised Basic Pay.
25. Gratuity: Will be paid based on revised Pay (Basic Pay + Special Pay) or under Gratuity Act whichever is higher.
Comrades, it will be appreciated that most of the issues raised by us in the charter of demands have been covered so far. Some more issues still remain to be sorted out.
But it is important that the common issues like Pension cost, date of effect of option, cost balancing, etc are also sorted out before things are finalized. Attempts will also be made to further revise the Pay scales, subject to re-allocation of amount from one head to another.
Simultaneously, the process of drafting the pension option settlement is also being taken up. While these are positive features, we are concerned that on important common issues like pension costing, date of effect of pension option, balancing cost of PF and Pension, etc, differences persist between IBA and UFBU. These issues have also to be sorted out expeditiously.
While all efforts are being done to conclude the settlement, units and members are requested not to yield to unwarranted anxieties or misinformations.
Further developments will be informed to units in due course.
Source - AIBEA website
thanks. ashok goel